Up at 6:00, shower, dress, put on makeup while sweating. It's nearly October. I should no longer endure sweating while applying makeup. Listen to utterly depressing story about Acapulco teachers being threatened by drug cartels. If the teachers don't hand over 1/2 of their pay to gangs by October 1st they will be killed. Before the story aired 5 severed heads were left in front of a primary school in Acapulco. Next. Pack lunch for The Prince, out the door by 7:10. Ride subway to 59th St. , the Bloomingdale's stop where I spent so much time with my grandmother. Walk The Prince to school for 8:00 drop off. Return to subway and take R train to Prince St. This self imposed walk from Prince to Franklin is practically all the exercise I get in a day. Work. 2:30 return to 59th Street and retrieve Prince. Take F train to 2nd Avenue and go to Whole Foods for snack and some homework before 5:00 capoeira class. 4:45 walk to capoeira. 5:30 leave capoeira and go to Saxelby at Essex Market for cheese, eggs, milk. Go to subway to return to The Prince's school for meet the teacher night. Wait for train. As soon as train arrives realize I've left my iPad at capoeira. Return to Rivington and Suffolk and climb 3 flights to retrieve iPad. Notice Denial who has come to collect The Prince and take him home so I can return to school. Hand him bag of groceries since he's not carrying anything. Return to subway and arrive at meet the teacher night 30 minutes late. Learn that because of budget cuts art will be taught as a segment in the second semester. Remind myself that we're lucky to have any art at all. Take 5 train back to Brooklyn accompanied by at The Clash and Allure magazine. Buy vodka. Go home to discover that Denial has produced penne and red sauce. Make and drink screwdriver, eat small bowl of penne, make and drink another screwdriver. Fall asleep on Denial's lap after having had discussion about the sorry state of art in NY public schools and enjoying a little Spartacus. Up at 6:00.
Link to Our Capoeira School
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