night went really well. That's what happens when I have a plan.
Even though Gusty had street hockey until 4:30 and we didn't get home
until almost 6:00 we managed to get all the homework done, practice
the cello, have a real home cooked meal, watch a 1/2 hour of
Boomerang and and still get to bed at a normal hour.
was braised tofu sticks with green beans and rice. I had never made
tofu sticks before and was unsure what to do with them. If you've
never seen them, they're available at Asian markets. They come in a
bag and look like giant, yellow, gnarled witch's fingers. I have
gotten them before and they languished in the cupboard and ended up
in the garbage. Not this time. Inspired by Gusty's desire for a
reproduction of the roast "duck" served at the vegetarian
Chinese joints, I looked into their preparation. Suffice to say that
they will become a regular on the meal roster.

braising broth was complex. It had some spice, some sweet, some
savory... I wondered what it would taste like if I simmered it until
a reduction ensued. After refrigerating the tofu, I put the pot back
on to simmer for about 45 minutes and I wasn't disappointed with the
results. The broth reduced to a more pungent version of itself and I
tried it over vanilla ice cream. That was good too but next time
I'll sprinkle on a few sesame seeds. The plot thickens.
I make the tofu sticks again I'm going to soak them in a more
flavorful concoction, maybe some tea and peppercorns. They absorb a
ton of liquid. Why shouldn't that liquid have some taste.
Friday night we had tofu pups and popcorn for dinner. I definitely
did not have a plan.